Whats On My Mind 2023

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In the realm of drawing and design, contemporary spaceship concept designs are pushing the boundaries by incorporating abstract simple shapes. Therefore, I start thinking and free-flowing with shape language; this innovative approach offers a realm of unlimited possibilities for designers and artists alike. By embracing abstract forms, these spaceship concepts transcend the conventional constraints of traditional design, allowing for boundless creativity and exploration. The use of abstract shapes not only challenges the norm but also encourages the development of novel and imaginative spacecraft designs. Through this artistic lens, the potential for innovation in the field of spaceship design expands, providing a platform for artists and designers to unleash their creativity and conceive spacecraft that defy the limits of our current understanding. The abstract shape designs inspire a sense of wonder, inviting us to envision a future where the fusion of art and technology can give rise to truly extraordinary and awe-inspiring vessels that traverse the vastness of space. This is what’s on my mind…

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